Sunday, February 26, 2006

Metric - The Concert

I must say that today was the first time I've gotten up at 8:30am (or pre-noon) on a non-school day in the longest time; it's tripping me out!

Okay so on to the concert description (with obvious side tracks, or else this is all pointless fo rme :P). After I got the scalper ticket and whatnot, I met up with my friend and her friend in line. Introductions were made, yada yada.

We went in after 8pm after my coat check and all that. We just stood in the hall (or whatever it's called) and waited while people slowly trickled in. Nothing ended up happening til 8:30, and by then I was greatful to get some live music.

The first cover band was named FuckYeah! They're like a Crystal Method-type sampling band. Two DJs a drummer and a bassist. Not usually my kind of music, but live they were pretty damn awesome. I was glad we got a good cover band and not some piece of shit.

After FuckYeah, came the piece of shit band I was dreading decided to make an un-announced appearance. By un-announced, I mean I didn't read of this band anywhere. I think they were called The Islands. They were such a gimmicky band, and I really couldn't take them seriously. A seven member band consisting of a singer, drummer, guitarist, bassist, saxophonist, keyboard/clarinet/violin guy and a maraca/violin guy. See what I mean? But wait, this isn't the worst part. I hope this isn't viewed as racist or anything, but I see it as gimmicky: All the members are wearing white suit-y type clothing, the multi-instrument guys are your typical tv asian nerd-type you see. They were acting this role out the whole time, and while drawing a few laughs, fell short of impressive. Another thing I noticed is that their bassist was so stereo-typical. The lone black guy in the group. Now I don't know if they did this on purpose or anything, so I'll leave it at that :)

Okay so after all this cover band shite it's now 10:30pm! The waiting is KILLING ME! My feet and legs are so tired from standing in one position. Okay so we're highly anticipating Metric's arrival now. But wait, they stage people have to clean up and setup for a half an hour! Ugghh!!

Skipping over the most tedious half hour of the night. Metric comes out and starts playing right away; none of that, in my opinion, unnecessary yapping to hype the crowd.

They ended up playing for about an hour and a half. I thought they played around 8 songs max. But yesterday I figured it was around 12. The time just flew by.

Emily Haines, the lead singer of Metric, may not have the best voice, but she sounded exactly like she does on their albums. Amazing. I couldn't get over the quality of her voice and how it was on key the entire night (with a few exceptions, she sounded tired before they took intermisison).

They played 10 songs (or so I recall) from their new album Live It Out, and 2 from their last one Old World Underground, Where Are You Now? Almost every song got an amazing applause from the crowd. People were loving every minute of it, after all the waiting we had to do.

During all the performances (mostly the cover bands), people were lighting up all over the place. I could smell it; so strong. This made me crave the damn weed. I'm not considered a pot head by any means, but if I'm near it, I'll want to smoke it. I didn't this night, however tempting. Security was takin people out of the crowd for smoking up though, so I'm glad I didn't, in the end :).

To conclude (finally), I have to say that Metric was impressive and I would definitely go and watch them play again....although I'll make sure to buy tickets from Ticketmaster when they're released next time!

Thanks for reading my book. Good day.