Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Making Connections, Learning New Things

I've been working at EMS for just about a month now and things are going pretty well.

My co-workers are a great bunch of people and so are those I report to. My main boss is a former journalist turned media relations person, so minus the experience I think we have quite a bit in common. She's new at the whole media relations thing, having worked there for I think just over a year now. I can approach her about anything really and she's willing to give me the reigns on certain assignments. I'm honestly a little shocked that I get to do some things, but I'm completely excited by the opportunities I'm being given.

In one month I've learned so much that I'll be able to take back to school in the fall. I've written speeches, corporate emails, corporate letters, as well as stories for the newsletter. In the future I'll be getting to do some design (hopefully this week), backgrounders for media events and maybe some press releases among other things.

It can be boring sometimes as I'm only an assistant and don't have near the responsibility that a media relations person would have. Though like I said the people are great and they're easy to talk to, and also my Internet connection isn't as strict as it was at the TTC, thankfully, so I can check my email as well as this page, and msn also.

Anyway I think that's it for now. I hope to update more often on how things are going for me.
