Monday, September 11, 2006

Help me out here

Over the past few months or so I've gotten somewhat hooked on two tattoo shows.

The first (left) is Inked and the second (bottom) is Miami Ink. The two shows are pretty much very similar in setup. They chronicle the daily life of the tattoo artists within their respective parlours. They show them doing their work, and also talk about the people who come in to get work done and what the tattoo means to them.

In the last year or two the itch to get a tattoo has been growing on me and these shows aren't curbing my enthusiasm one bit. Seeing the people come in and explain their reasons for getting the tattoos however, has made my decision of what tattoo to get all the harder.

I want something that will have significant meaning to me now as well as in the very distant future. As in, when I'm on my deathbed I'll be like, "yeah that tattoo was worth getting."

I always look around at different pictures and think they look cool or whatever, but in the end I can always tell I'll be sick of it in due time and with a tattoo that's not something you want.

In the future when/if I have a kid(s) I'll want to get a tattoo of their name somewhere, but until then finding something unique and significant seems impossible. Maybe a sign I'm not ready to get one, I guess.

Just for kicks though I thought I'd post a question. What was your motivation behind getting your tattoo and what is it/ are they? If you don't have a tattoo you can still tell me things or reasons you feel would be valid enough to warrant having a tattoo of.
