Monday, August 28, 2006

I knew this a while ago...

DNA tests confirmed today that John Mark Karr was in fact, not the killer of Jon Benet Ramsey, the six-year old pageant girl murdered in Boulder, Colorado in 1996.

This puts an end to what I've noticed from when this guy's confession to being there first hit news stands. I was walking to my bus on that day and I saw his mug on the front page and it hit me that he didn't do anything to that girl. He was just looking for attention.

The whole incident just seemed to weird and out of the blue to be true. This guy waits 10-plus years and finally comes clean in a case where he definitely would've gotten off scot free? I figure now it's because he'll look for a book deal to afford his sex change operation.

We also find out that his family says he was with them in Georgia and Alabama celebrating Christmas at the time. Another thing is he had allegedly become obsessed with the case over the years.

Too many things were red beacons saying this guy was a total nut-job. If anyone saw him they wouldn't think he was a killer, but just some weirdo with perhaps an enfatuation for little children.

Anyway I'm glad they finally clued in to this whole farce and can now move on to not catching the real killer.


100th post for me. yay? sure, why not.