Monday, July 31, 2006

Mon in Mon

I am back and settled in after an awesome weekend in Montreal and now I think I'm ready to blog a lil bit.

First off, I'd like to mention that very little pics were taken of the weekend basically due to the fact that a) there was too much fun goin on b) I forgot to bust out the cam c) I knew I was going to get hammered so I didn't bring the cam along.

There are some phone pics on both our phones, but I can't get them off mine and due to the situation I'd have to give preapproval for viewage from Mon's phone.

Okay so where were we? Ah. On Friday I got there around 6:30pm or there abouts. After getting settled in we headed down to the bar by her place for a few drinks. Since Monika was all pop-u-lar there we got ourselves a free plate of pasta, which I greatfully ate, but it wasn't really meal-worthy. Since that was the case after drinks we went to this Italian pizza place and got a couple slices each to take back to her place where we watched some Harold and Kumar (awesome!).

Later on, after the movie we went out with her cousin and a few other friends to a bar downtown. This place was packed with people and apparently we were pretty lucky to get a seat for the 8 (most of the time 6) of us. This was a pretty fun night. I got to know a couple of her friends Eric and Alex whilst drinkin some Stella Artois, which at first I didn't really like but it grew on me.

On Saturday we headed downtown for a walk around the city and chilled by a fountain for a lil' bit. As we were heading back from the subway the rain started raining a bit. By the time the 3 of us were near Mon's house it was coming down really hard. After we got inside and were sitting on the couch, we looked outside and it was raining like a mutha fucka. Considering what we were in, we got lucky.

Later on Saturday we went to her friend Cas's place. We played some ps2 Guitar Hero, which outside of easy mode, I sucked majorly at. After that it was on to NHL06 where I got my ass kicked twice, unfortunately.

We all then went into the kitchen and this is where I proceeded to get my ass drunk way beyond what I would consider cool. We played a drinking game with dice where you roll 2 and the answer would make a person drink, or chug the alcohol. To make a long story short, I got ass-faced beyond belief and spent the majority of the evening at Cas's toilet and then Monika's. I ended up sleeping on the floor as the couch didn't want me and my drunkedness.

With Saturday over, Sunday brought the ending of my trip. I got up ridiculously early, as I always seem to do after I drink a lot. Around 11am we headed out to meet up with a bunch of her friends for some Dim Sum to celebrate Eric and Neel's birthdays. I'd never had Dim Sum before, but I'd heard enough about it. The food ended up being pretty good. I ate shrimp for the first time since I was a kid, and I also enjoyed the BBQ pork, which everyone was raving about before hand. It was good times, with lots of people and lots of food. I enjoyed it a lot.

After that, with my bags in hand, I said goodbye to Monika and everyone as I had to go down to the bus station. I ended up getting a ride from Alex, and everyone went off to Tams, which I wish I could've went to now.

I had an hour and a half wait once I got there because I was so early. Also, my bus trip home was less comfortable than my bus trip there seeing as it was packed this time and I had to sit beside someone. I made it home in one piece, however.

I'd like to thank Mon for showing me a freaking amazing time for my first visit to Montreal. I would do it again no problem, if the opportunity arose.

Note: blogger is a biggity-bitch when it comes to me and uploading pics. It doesn't let me upload ones I want to show, but if i randomly did a pic it would do it no problem. Fuckin A.