Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Let it Die

It's over. The summer of 2006 has been put to sleep. Tomorrow will mark my first day of school since the end of April and I've got mixed feelings.

Of course I want to go back, seeing as this is my final year and all, but at the same time I don't want to go back, seeing as this is my final year and all. I'm kind of nervous about the future at the moment. I don't think I've truly taken the last two years very seriously. Meaning I don't know if I've grasped at the idea that I've been in school studying a specific course so I can have a specific outcome in the end.

This year seems all that more daunting because in second semester I have to begin my job placement. This means I have only until December essentially before I'm put out there in the 'real world' of working.

I'm still scared of not knowing what I wish to pursue when it's all said and done. I'm not too sure of any of the potential jobs out there. And if I decide to choose another path aside from journalism, I haven't got a clue as to what else I could take that would be sufficient enough to make me happy while financially safe.

I've contemplated taking English or becoming a teacher in the recent past. These two things sound great, but for teaching it would require a lot more school and English would also see me in school longer because that major is useless unless it's at least a Master's in my opinion.

I also tell myself that my worrying is for not. Every transition I've gone through in life has seemed incredibly foreboding as it approached, but afterwards it's always been infinitely easier. So I keep saying that my next hurdle may seem daunting now, but in the end it's just like any other hurdle I've leaped over before and I can't win the race unless I keep jumping over them (tackiest metaphor ever).

Judging from my past everything will be fine. I'm still slightly nervous at the upcoming semester and if I can hold up my marks while keeping my job. I want to succeed and this semester will go a long way to determine if that will be the case. I hope it is.


Oh, and judging from how I continued to post entries at the end of last semester with all it's hellish demands, I don't foresee any problems with me continuing to post regularly. Just thought I'd say that, given all the hiatuses that may be coming or are already here =P