Friday, June 09, 2006

Hey!! Long time no see!

You know what really grinds my gears? Pointless conversations.

I was thinking tonight about conversations that go a little something like this (of course there are variances, but this will be the example):

*Walking down the street you see a person you know but don't really hang out with*

Person: "Hey!! Long-time no see! How are things?"

Okay, this is where they begin.

First off, you know that likely both people taking part in this conversation aren't likely to be riveted by what the other person has to say. It's a social faux pas, if you will, if you don't partake in this trivial encounter because otherwise you would be considered a "rude person" and that other person would not want to talk to you again in the future.

Another thing with these inpromptu (most of the time) conversations is you are usually in a hurry or have to be somewhere and you don't really have the time to chat with anyone. It's also deemed rude if you tell the person you're in a hurry because they would assume you're giving them the brush off, and as I mentioned, that's a no-no.

Weddings, funerals or any gathering where there are people that you don't often see are a collective breeding ground for these conversations. People absolutely MUST go up to others and say hello and "catch up" on things.

All of my sentiments are echoed by an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where the main character Larry David (also his real name, if you know the show you won't be confused, if you don't I'm sorry, I cant help you.) passes an acquaintence on the street and doesn't really partake in that stop-and-chat convo and they go on a story line about how it's not an acceptable way to act. I wish I could find the episode in question so I can give a better synopsis. I haven't seen it in years.

So yeah... that's what grinds my gears.
