Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm still alive

Lately I haven't had the time nor the desire to post much of anything. Work has been taking up most of my time where I would've been thinking about things and such.

I still enjoy tweaking the site occasionally. Sometimes it rivals the actual writing in its enjoyment.

I've added a new video to the bottom. It's of Lily Allen, she's a British artist who's just starting up. She's different. That's what I enjoy about her music. I enjoy british music quite a bit as well. Not necessarily the Oasis, The Darkness or Radiohead stuff, but the extremely different hip-hop compared to what I'm accustomed to here in North America like MIA or The Streets. She has a ska-ish, Hip-Hop-ish, Poppy-ish type-sound to her.

So yeah, have a look. I hope to change my recently watched movie thing soon enough. Also I'm not reading as much as I had anticipated, but music is always more inviting on the bus than opening up a book, regardless of how good it may be.

I've written a whole lot of nothing, but I'm cool with that.
