Friday, May 12, 2006

Ready for the daily grind

Next week marks my first full time work week of this summer. I was originally geared up to work during day shift, as it is easier for me with no car and all. My plans, however, have been neatly dismissed for whatever the reason may be.

So, I'm starting my full time summer on my current shift, working 3-11pm at the good ole candy factory. This past week has been a bit of an adjustment for me getting mentally prepared to go back to that place day after day.

I originally started working there around three years ago, to help save money for school. I worked full time for a year and it became entirely too tedious. I've mentioned many-a-time how I think it scarred me for life. On another hand it was probably the greatest thing I ever could have done.

It got me to not enjoy working in a factory and it has helped me become stable financially ever since. I am totally greatful for this job. Not many people in my situation can say they have something as secure, well-paying, or schedule accomodating as mine. These are some things that get me to suck it up and go back.

Over the summer I'll remind myself daily how vital working at this place is for me as a person. I'll need atleast that when I get grumpy having to TTC it to and from work every night.
