Sunday, April 23, 2006

Quiet: I'm reviewing

Saturday evening I spent with my two friends Alex and Kashaf, watching the movie Silent Hill. I'll try to keep it short, if that's ever possible.

Ok I'd like to say that I've never played the Silent Hill video games, but I have heard of them and their freakiness.

The movie essentially begins with the mother Rose worrying over her child Sharon's nightmares where she sleepwalks and talks of this place called Silent Hill. Eventually she takes Sharon to the town and events happen where the child disappears and she has to go find her.

I'm not going into detail here, so I'll say that all the characters and whatnot that Rose has to deal with in searching for her daughter are incredibly realistic feeling, even though they aren't necessarily realistic looking (i.e You'd never see anything like them on the streets). So for the graphics of the movie are incredible, although at some points the paint deteriorating off the wall and events similar to that, get a little over done and it's clear it was done on computer.

The acting by Jodelle Ferland, who plays the child Rose and also the evil hellion Alessa, is superb for the most part. She shines when she's playing Alessa though. Radha Mitchell, who plays Rose, also did well. I felt her fear and her need to have her daughter back. She also took on a Rebecca Romajn Stamos-as-Mystique- type look (minus the blue skin/red hair), towards the end of the movie. She looked good, is what I'm trying to get at I guess.

The cop, as played by Laurie Holden, stands out like a sore thumb early on the movie. The character is way too upfront and just weird as she's inspecting Rose's car and then following after her to arrest her later on. It was all too weird and distracting for me. She became less annoying as they were in Silent Hill, though.

Overall I would say that this movie was the freakiest one I've seen in a very long time. I wasn't scared, but it made me cringe. That's no small feat in my books. Everytime the alarm in the city went off, signalling that the darkness would be taking over, I would have to prepare myself to see something gross.

I loved this movie even though I didn't play the video game. I would recommend it to anyone interested in this type of film, for sure. Also, there's clearly going to be a sequel; atleast there better be!
