Friday, April 14, 2006

To the future and back

As I'm approaching my 22nd birthday in just over two weeks, I'm beginning to wonder about a few things.

One such thing is, when does a person's life, specifically mine, begin to take on meaning? When do all of our experiences and our knowledge gained start working for us? I know as beings we're continously learning and evolving, but I also feel there's a turning point in a person's life where they foresee what they will accomplish.

Being that I am only 22, people will say 'oh you've hardly even experienced life yet!' and all the related sayings that come with that. I say, maybe you're right, but I've also lived what could be more than one quarter of my life and I don't see where it's going yet. I think of things in my past, and very few experiences spring to mind as meaningful or useful to who I am today, or who I want to be tomorrow.

As a fellow blogger friend, who shall remain nameless * ;) * pointed out, many people my age haven't accomplished much at all. We haven't all cured diseases, run marathons or created some awesome new invention.

The one thing I think we can say we've done though is, we've been, for the most part of our lives, blissfully ignorant to what's going on around us. In hindsight, as a child my life was so care free and easy going. I didn't have to worry about working, school, or my future even. All I cared about was playing baseball at recess or waking up to saturday morning cartoons every week.

I think this time of our lives was for giving us something bright to remember when we're worried about our futures. If we look back on how we were, how we'll be will be easier to manage if we maintain that youthful attitude towards life.
