Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weekend Update

Since it's sunday I guess I'll blab about my weekend.

Saturday I had work as usual. My one week of no saturday was nice, but it's back to getting up at 5:45am for me. My friend Alex didnt bother waking up for work so there were no shenanigans to talk about at work on this day. I worked alone for the 5hrs because the two students we have to work with annoy me and i told them I'd power wash the air conditioners on my own.

After work, my mom picked me up and I told her I had to find a gift for her and my younger nephew. We went to Sport Chek, but found nothing for him there. We headed next door to Designer Depot to look for something for my Mom. Couldn't find anything there either. We headed over to Winners for my nephew where i bought him some Shady hoody sweater and a Sean John t-shirt. He's all in that "im a gangster" age, hopefully he'll outgrow it soon enough. We went to Futureshop where my mom bought him a mini-CD player for his room. It was the 2nd one she got him since x-mas after that one broke and they didnt bother getting us to return it. I dont know.

After we picked up my younger nephew and sister, the four of us went to Chapters on my suggestion. Here i got my mom to pick out some books for me to get her. She picked out 3. Done. I got her over with. She's far too hard to buy for, so unless I want to get her a crappy gift card, she has to pick out her own gift.

For dinner we ordered Pizza Hut's "the edge" pizza. Man this is garbage. Everytime I order from PH it's so nasty. When I go there, it's always good.

I didnt do much after taking my younger nephew and sister home. The older one stayed for the entire weekend.

Later in the night I talked to Alex and I then went over to his place for a while where we watched some MadTV and SNL. After all that, at about 12:30am-ish we went back and got some Wendy's and ate it there. The counter was closed so we had to order drive-thru and go in after. When we finished I took him home and headed home myself.

Today I managed to wake up at 2:30pm (new time). So sickening. I literally did nothing today except watch mind melting much music/much more music all day. Later in the night I managed to get it to Fox though for some quality entertainment :)

So that's that. If I have anything interesting to post I'll do it if I get bored.
