Saturday, April 01, 2006

Uneventful my week hath been

No I'm not dead.

I haven't posted in a few days due to the reason that I haven't though of many things worth posting I guess.

My time's being passed easily now with having to go to school on a daily basis, which is always nice, because I can get out of the house and enjoy the company of those outside my family.


It was my first day back at school. Tiring as hell because afterwards I had work to go to. So my day went from me getting up at 6:30am to getting home at 11:30pm :( (I didn't go to bed until somewhere after 3am though, I think.)


After I got up I took my first shower in what felt like an eternity. I loved it! Yes, I truly did love it (haha). I went do school; did my thing there and came home.

That night LOST was on TV, as it is most Wednesdays, and my God it is an amazing show! Maybe I'll start a lost blog of some sort if I feel so inclined. Maybe.


I had the day off school, as with every Thursday. I got up at a relatively sane hour (before 11am) and I got food to eat and what not. After building up the energy I decided to go to the bank to clear up a situation with my Student Line of Credit. I finish my current term at the end of April and the bank requires me to prove that I am going to be a student for next year or else I can't withdraw from my SLOC after April until I eventually am able to prove it. This won't happen until either in May when I get my report card or until June/July when I get my fees statement. So potentially this means I can't withdraw for 2wks-3mths depending on how my situation goes. They weren't able to fix my situation at this branch, I had to go to my home one with the letter the head office sent me (Grrr).

Later in the day after my Mom got home, we went up to our home branch. THEY WERE CLOSED whe we got there (so angry, and tired at the same time.). Even though I was beat, I suggested we go to Home Outfitters so she could pick out a birthday gift for herself, as I have no clue what to get her. We looked around there for a bit, but she picked nothing that I wanted to give her as a gift :P

OH! As we're heading to the bank, I noticed the high school kids were getting out so late from school (4:20pm-ish when I looked). When we drove by the school I noticed a TV van parked outside with its antenna propped up into the sky. Something must have been happening we assumed, but continued driving.

On our way home from the bank, we were listening to 680News. They mentioned that two students at the school were stabbed by two others not a part of the school. This sent my Mom and myself into a little bit of panic because my Nephew, who's in grade 9, goes to this very school. I bust out my cell and I call his place to check on him. He answers the phone *THANK GOD* and doesn't recognize who I am. Knowing all is well with our family I make fun of him for a bit. He says he was in the next room where the incident occured, and that if the teacher had allowed him to go into the other room, he would have been there and witnessed it all *thanks the teacher*. All ended up being well as that scare turned to nothing. But it still means that school is crazy now. My brother and sister both attended it, and it's not for the most academic of students either.

After all that I got home and I finally finished my Radio Essay which. I was pleased with it, considering it was my first essay in about a year.


I had to be at school early to hand in all of my radio assignments. I was. I did. Class was boring, and I cut out early, deciding to skip the Online Observer class, which I've grown to despise going to.

Well tomorrow I plan on working as usual. After that I may try to find more gifts for my mom and nephew.

Later on I plan to go and chill out at my friend Alex's place. We'll J it up, Wendy's it up. Hockey it up. Sounds like a plan to me (cuz it's cheap for once).

Alright. Maybe something interesting did happen this week...who knew?
