Wednesday, April 26, 2006

An up close and personal Eureka! moment...

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize something so significant about your life or a particular situation and it just comes out of nowhere?

Tonight I had one of those moments. It was at work, doing another mindless factory job, when I suddenly realized I was happy with myself. Everything seems to be in a certain perfect place and I truly realized I had nothing to worry about.

This all may change in a few weeks time when I finally receive my marks, determining if I continue on in the course or decide to pursue other options, but since I'm so happy, it doesn't bother me. I've been looking to become happier or more confident with who I am as a person for quite some time now and it just shocks me how that realization could come at a time where I would least expect it.

I feel changed, somehow. It feels as if I can take on whatever battles I have to face, with ease. I'm ready for anything now; bring it on.
