Monday, April 24, 2006


For those of you who are observant, you can see at the top of my blog, the clock ticking down. It's ticking down to the day I get to go to the 311 Concert at the KoolHaus!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

That's right folks, pre-sale tickets went up today, and I snatched 'em!

I bought 2 because I simply must go with someone. If I can't find a real fan I'll drag someone down with me; even if it means I have to not get my money for the ticket.

It's GA so I can get as close as I want. This time I'm also bringing my camera so I can get a tonne of pics. No way in hell I'll be regretting not bringing it as I do with the Metric concert.

August 12th here I come!

Peace. :D