Saturday, April 29, 2006

The end of another year

Today marked the final day of classes for myself and fellow college students. It was a long year, but at the same time it flew by.

For me both semesters were comparable to day and night. First semester re-invigorated my passion for not only school, but for journalism as well. I had come out of first year a little jaded about my future prospects. Classes such as Page Design allowed me to have a little hope that maybe something else was out ther for me. Second semester was a different story.

There wasn't a course that truly stuck out in my mind that I was enthusiastic about. I enjoyed radio, but I didn't have a passion for it, as much as I did for Design class. The classes where Ihad to write, namely featurey, magazine-like stories, ended up being of no interest to me. I had little motivation from my instructor to perform. From most of my instructors, I should say. I didn't feel that necessary connection that I need to make me feel like I want to do the work. If I get in the mindset of not liking the teacher, I end up becoming quite lazy and lackluster in my performance.

Leaving this year is somewhat bitter-sweet. While I am quite happy to be done the academic aspect of it all, I think I'll miss the social part of my school. The everyday interaction is what ended up getting me motivated to get to class each day.

Regardless of how much I like my classmates or not, I tried to make somewhat of a connection with them and I feel I did that. I'm happy with my social success and I feel I've added people I can atleast chill with if the need came down to it.

Academically, I'll await my final grades with some tension as I am totally not sure how I did. My personal level of effort was at an all-time low and I feel it'd be reflected in my marks. I hope for the best, will probably be happily suprised and my constant worrying will be for not as is the case, usually.

Happy Summer.
