Monday, May 01, 2006

It's Official

It's official. I'm 22. I feel old.

I don't know what is was, or is, about this particular birthday, but something just hit me where I suddenly felt this change. On everyone of my other birthdays I was happy to add another year to the total; it didn't matter, I didn't feel the effects of my own aging process.

This time however, as I've mentioned before, I feel the maturity setting in. I feel life is taking on an entirely new meaning for me. It feels as if it's a big turning point in my life and everything will start falling into place sometime soon.

On the other hand....


The RAM for my laptop that my friend got me wasn't compatible or something, so I'll have to wait on getting that. Three other friends got me funny gifts, which I appreciate as well. I got a Lionel Hutz and (Unkie) Herb Powell Simpsons toys, a bottle of Grizzly Hot Sauce (i think that was the name. i dont have it on me) and a Leafs piggy bank in the shape of a BIG beer bottle. Thanks guys! :D

My parents gave me my new Logitech 5.1 speakers yesterday :D The thing is I don't have the proper sound card to experience their sexiness. So that's next on my list of things to want.

Here are a couple of my gifts (as I currently do not have them all with me or I can't find a picture.)