Sunday, May 28, 2006


For the past while I've been looking forward to the day I got to go golfing. That day was Saturday. It was the first time I've ever been golfing outside of the many mini-put games I've played.

I went with my friend Alex (centre) and two buddies of ours from work, Wayne (left) and Justin (right). I don't think we could've asked for a better day to spend a few hours leisurely playing some golf. It was freaking immaculate outside.

I (pic below) knew going in that golf wasn't the easiest of activities and that I may have a hell of a time playing. Knowing this, I wasn't going to be competitive in the least and thank god I wasn't because I would've pulled a Happy Gilmore on everyone's asses.

Luckily we weren't really playing with an extremely strict scoring system. We didn't care if one of us missed a shot, or in some cases, hit it like 3 feet in front of us. This happened a lot and if it were the PGA or something our scores would have been, umm...slightly more ridiculous than they were.

Also, since it was a Saturday with such amazing weather, everyone was out to play golf. This being the case, we had groups on our tail for the better part of the afternoon. And since we aren't the best of the best golfers, we had no choice but to take such a long time because we kept missing shots and whatnot. Who wants to rush a game of freaking golf anyway? So this guy from the course is constantly going around on his cart (while we have to lug stupid caddies) checking in on people. He came up to us on more than a few occasions and told us to hurry up. God that pissed me off so much. I payed my money to play so I would appreciate the luxury of being able to take the time to make my shots.

Just about three and a half hours later we ended up finishing our 18-holes. I don't have the score card with me but if I recall I scored a 126 on a 54 par course :) That would turn out to be a sexy +72 over par :) I didn't finish in last either, but I don't remember if I was in 2nd or 3rd. Either way it was an incredibly fun, if not tiring, time and I would do it again for sure. Although I think I would like to have some time at a driving range before I played again.