Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cautious glances...

I stand at the bus stop waiting. I stand waiting for the bus that comes every 15 minutes to take me to my destination. I look at my watch. It should be here now, I think to myself. It’s late. I mutter a curse under my breath. As I’m uttering these words however the bus appears on the horizon. It moves noisily down the street approaching me at a snails pace. I wait impatiently.

Finally the bus comes. I board it and pay my fare; one token. I walk on the bus, cautious of the faces looking up at me, a stranger who shouldn’t be there, or that’s what it appears they’re thinking to my own messed up mind. I find a seat near the rear doors and sit facing them.

No one is beside me. I like the space I am afforded; the personal breathing space I can enjoy. I cautiously look around me at the people aboard the bus. There is a man at the back, sun glaring upon his face. He’s wearing all black. He has a black baseball cap on backwards; the logo unidentifiable to me. He glances at over; I move to the next person.

She is an elderly woman. Her hair is white as snow; it is darkened somewhat as the sun is not beating down on her side of the bus. She sits along the side of the bus as I am, but opposite me. We do not quite face each other. She wears a turquoise dress with darker blue turquoise leaves on them. In her lap she holds a white purse. It is in stark contrast with the ebony coloured complexion of her hands that are clasping it so it will not fall off. She wears glasses and though I cannot see her eyes for reflection I can tell she is looking out at the cars that pass by. She has an almost serene look on her face. She is happy.

I look to my left at the passengers towards the front of the bus. There are no visible faces I can see. Only backs of heads. These same people who judged me as I boarded the bus are now being judged without their knowledge. I smile to myself at the irony.

I wrote this a month or so ago. It's the beginning and I was originally wary of showing it until it was finished. I'd still like to know your HONEST opinions.
