Wednesday, November 15, 2006

And I continue...

For two and a half years in my program I've been taught, when covering an event, to find a story that isn't the event itself, but something with a bigger meaning.

As I wrote about in my previous post, I went and covered the municipal election in my riding. I found a story that wasn't necessarily about the guy winning, but about blind voting occuring in the elections and other politicians being upset by it. It turned out when I handed it in, they wanted something basic, a simple stating of the facts with some quotes thrown in.

Cut to today.

In our online meetings we sit at a makeshift board table essentially. We each go around in whatever order and talk about our stories and how they're progressing along. Today before we did all that my editor/teacher (**not the one who edited my work. there are two teachers for online**) asked if anyone had any opinions on how the election night was handled.

Umm yeah I think I had an opinion.

He acknowledged me and I went on about what I mentioned to you earlier. I'm never usually that great at expressing my opinions out loud like that, but today I had no trouble. I went through my problem point by point without any problem. It felt good to be able to argue something passionately for once, as there are so few times I think I can.

Later on in the afternoon I went and spoke with him about my two articles. I got him to read both and he fairly criticized the unpublished one and I respected what he had to say. I never said it was a great article. I did say I was only doing what was engrained in my head for my entire college career. So I left feeling the same, but knowing how I could've reworked the article so it was better as well.

That's that. I've moved on...
