Saturday, December 23, 2006

"Age is a state of mind.."

Over the past couple of years I've found myself not loving Christmas the way I used to.

I remember going to bed the night before and not being able to sleep because of the anticipation of what the next morning would bring. I would lay in bed, trying my hardest to drift off, but all I could do is stare at the clock that always seemed brighter on that night.

Where this change started to occur, I could only guess. I'd think it was the first time I was actually woken up by one of my nephews. I had slept until 9:30am. Now obviously on any other day I wouldn't dream of waking that early, but on Christmas the norm is closer to 7:00am.

I think that morning I experienced a mixed reaction. I was happy I was able to get a full night's sleep for the first Christmas ever, but it also occured to me that I couldn't go back to the way things were either.

I suppose age is a state of mind, as Sahar so kindly mentioned to me tonight, and I could just let myself go and experience the day as if i was a young boy again. I could do all that, but I won't. I think the experience has been more of a maturation process. Christmas isn't about the presents and suprise, it's about my family and spending time with eachother. That's what I look forward to the most now.

Merry Christmas.